From an entire lot of wise men, one of them once said that a person can be best judged on the basis of his footwear. So men! Always, be careful about your shoes. According to experts, men love shoes. It might sound against the motion but yes men do love shoes. Though they do not tend to be in competition with others to have the best collection of footwear but thought of having the best is always there in their mind. So all the guys out there, imagine how amazing it would be to have a huge collection of footwear? Sounds amazing, no? What if you get an opportunity to have exactly a dozen of shoes, what all pairs would you choose? Well, here we are going to answer the question for you, as we are going to present you a list of Shoes Every Man Should Own.

Yes, you heard right a list of shoes every man should own, so be ready to hit your pocket but trust me you won’t regret it as it is going to make you stand out from the ordinary. Here we present some Cool and Stylish Outfits For Guys. Have a look-
Shoes Every Man Should Own
Chukkas are basically a type of boots, the business casual boots. Chukkas are very comfortable to wear yet give a really rich look. You can wear them on social occasions.
Are you an office goer? Well! You cannot wear formal all the time so loafers will give you a semi-formal look. Hence, this is something that a man just cannot miss out!
Work boots
If you’re visiting, a nursery or a forest, this is the best type of shoes you can rely on.
Duck boots
You must agree that wet feet are the most irritating thing, right? Well! Don’t worry and get a duck boot for you.
Gym sneakers
Are you a gym freak? Life is incomplete without gym sneakers. You can rely on your gym sneakers even while going on a trek.
Casual street sneakers
Having a separate pair of shoes for every occasion is good but having one go-to’s is essential. So, yeah! Casual street sneakers are a good option to wear while doing here and there.
Summers are incomplete without high-quality flip-flops. Every guy needs open-toed shoes to make life easier.
Unlike every other shoe on this list, this one is something that is not really necessary for a particular occasion or purpose. It’s just when you’re bored with every other thing let’s go with Chaco.
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Despite what the luxury brands and big magazines claim, slippers are a good option to easily manage during winters. So stop roaming barefoot in your home and get yourself a pair of slippers. You can wear them whenever you want – they are your go-to pair when you want something light. Here are some Stylish Office Bags For Men To Move In Style. Check out-
Boat shoes
Craving to wear shows without the effort of searching for a pair of socks? So boat shoes are just perfect to enjoy that comfy feeling. So yeah! These are the Shoes Every Man Should Own.
Leather Dress Shoes
From attending weddings, birthdays or any sort of celebration, funerals, or anything leather dress shoes are the best to achieve that macho man look.
Desert Boots
Lastly, to survive on a tough day, you must have a pair of desert boots.
Confused, what to wear?. And if you’re also one of those who always remain confused in choosing the best for you, this list of Shoes Every Man Should Own, is going to be super helpful for you. So just escape the ordinary and plan a day to get the ones that you’re missing onto.
Here we have some Best Dark Jeans Outfit Ideas For Men. Try to have all of them in your stocked up space, because you never know which one you would need when?