Grey facial hairs are often considered a sign of wisdom and maturity. Studies have also found that women find men with grey beards more attractive than all men. Several Hollywood celebrities have flaunted grey beard styles with grace. The likes of George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and others made people believe that there is nothing wrong with sporting a grey beard. Earlier people used to dye facial hair to hide the greying as they are considered as a sign of embarrassment.
As we have discussed several influential people have embraced looks with grey beards nowadays this is considered sexy. But creating the perfect look is not that easy. There are several beard styles that a man can try after getting grey facial hair on his face. Some of the best are – Salt and Pepper, Goatee, Ducktail, and others. You can trust us that a properly groomed beard will be just like a finely aged wine.
Many men find it difficult because of the lack of time that men of this age have due to their workload. You need not spend time thinking about which style will suit your face because we are here to help. Read on and find out about the top 15 grey beard styles that will look perfect on a middle-aged man.
Modest Grey Beard Styles For Men
1. Short Grey Beard

Growing your beard might make you look sexy but if you are capable of doing that sometimes you also need to trim the beard after a period of 3 to 4 weeks. The volume of the beard needs to be reduced if you are thinking about grey beard styles which will have shorter hair. Texture can be added by keeping the length of facial hair near the jaw and lower cheek portion longer than the sideburns. Thin the edges to create a neat and clean look.
2. Long Grey Beard

Sometimes it is better to embrace what you have. Just let the beard grow for 4 to 5 months and then groom it normally to keep it slightly shorter on the cheeks. Longer facial hair should remain on the chin yours that means the soul trap of yours needs to be wide. Other than that it is ideal to keep a thick mustache with the beard.
3. Heavy Grey Stubble Beard

A heavy stubble beard is difficult to maintain in comparison to a short or medium stubble beard. The length of your facial hair should be more than what you keep to maintain a medium stubble beard. According to several stylists, the ideal facial hair length for a heavy stubble beard is 6 mm in length. Keeping the heavy stubble does not mean that you need not trim your beard. Intervention is necessary to maintain a neat and clean look. Trim any further growth under your adam’s apple and on top of your lower third of the face. You can use a scissor or a trimmer for this purpose.
4. Grey Ducktail Beard

When grey facial hairs will start to appear on your face and you start thinking of grey beard styles, thenyou must consider this evergreen beard style known as the ducktail beard. The name is given because of the pointy nature of the beard near the chin which looks like the tail of a duck. But do not get confused between a goatee and a ducktail beard. You need to let your beard grow first for a minimum period of 4 months. The length of facial hair should remain between 2 to 4 inches to style it in a ducktail. The sides of the beard need to be kept short and along with that the mustache also needs to be trimmed properly.
5. Balbo Beard

You must have seen photographs of the famous Italian dictator Mussolini. In most of the pictures, Mussolini is seen sporting the Balbo beard. In this beard style, the beard will completely remain separated from your mustache. You need to concentrate on your mustache more than the rest of the facial hair. The beard will be styled more like a chin strap and it will go all the way up to your lower lip. Use wax or beard oil on your mustache to give it a more distinguished shape.
6. Circle Beard

If you are looking for a beard style that will make you look smart and sexy at the same time then a circle beard style is definitely for you. Even trimming is the key if you are looking to get a circle beard and men with round faces can pull this beard style off more easily. With growing age, it is natural that your hair will turn grey and you need to embrace that. Connect the hairline yours with the beard line of yours. Keep your hair long to elevate your style.
7. Dutch Beard

Want to try a classic bearded look with your grey facial hairs then you can count on the dutch beard. With the connected sideburns, you need to let the facial hair grow at the bottom. Shave the mustache completely. Make sure that the bottom part of your beard, that means the beard below the chin of yours, gains a square appearance. This beard style will help you stand out from the crowd. Don’t forget to trim your beard from time to time and also shave the mustache regularly to get the perfect look.
8. Goatee Beard

The goatee is one of the most classic beard styles that has helped men to grab the attention of other people. In case your mustache and beard near the chin portion are growing at a faster pace than the rest then let it grow. Take good care of it to make it look more dense and uniform with the help of trimming. Clipping plays a pivotal role in the maintenance of a goatee beard. While increasing the chin beard and mustache to make sure that no other beard patches are growing anywhere on the face. Always remember this unwanted hair growth can ruin your whole style.
9. Patchy Beard With Handlebar Mustache

In case you have a patchy beard, initially, you need to shape your beard uniformly. You should keep your facial hair from just below the lower lip of yours and let it grow down to your chin. The cheek line needs to be kept low. Once you finish styling your beard, use scissors to gate the handlebar mustache. Before mustache styling, you need to make sure that your mustache is thick and long. After shaping your mustache sweep it to the sides which will create the handlebar mustache and this will look extremely good with the U-shaped patchy beard. Finally, you can use beard oil or beard wax to make the ends of your mustache curly.
10. Salt And Pepper Bushy Beard

Among all the grey beard styles, this style of beard will offer you a more mature look without making you look older. The mix of the natural color of hair and grey facial hair consisting of a stubble beard is considered as the salt and pepper beard because of the similarities in the color. Here the term ‘pepper’ refers to the darker hairs while the word ‘salt’ refers to the lighter grey colored hairs. You can keep any style and length of stubble beard with this graceful facial hair color.
11. Grey Chinstrap

Some men are only able to grow a beard along with the jawline. A chin strap beard will look good on the face of men who have this type of facial hair. This is one of the coolest-looking patchy beard styles. The beard that will run along the chin will be connected with your hairline. You can also choose the length of your facial hair according to your preference. Shave your mustache and any other patches of facial hair to get the ideal look.
12. Soul Patch Goatee

A Soul patch is the patch of facial hair that grows on your chin region. A soul patch goatee is one of the most unique-looking hairstyles that a middle-aged man can sport. Do not forget to shave facial hairs on other parts of your face to make the goatee of yours look sharper as the unwanted facial hairs will ruin the look completely. Just like any other goatee beard style you need to clip the beard of yours properly.
13. Bandholz Beard
This beard style is made popular by the stylist, Eric Bandholz. In this particular style, the mustache will be joined with the beard. At first, you need to grow a full beard for at least 2 months, and only then can you think about getting a band-hold beard. While styling the beard one thing that needs to be ensured is that the mustache does not touch the upper lip. Both the edges of the mustache require proper blending with the beard.
14. Grey Wavy Beard

Having curly or wavy facial hair is a blessing because your beard will look fuller than it will look with the same amount of straight facial hair. But you might find it difficult to style a wavy beard a the curly facial hair will grow in multiple directions. So, it is better to let it grow first then you can consult a barber to get the ideal beard style according to your face shape. Most of the men choose to have light stubble beards but that does not mean that you can not style it in a goatee or a balbo.
15. Grey Beards For Black Men

Nothing can stop you from getting a full grey beard, not even your skin tone. If you have a darker skin tone then you can sport any of the grey beard styles with full confidence. It has been seen that most black men have curly facial hair. You can choose to have either a light or medium stubble. With the stubble do not keep a thick mustache. Instead of that, trim it often to make it even and neat.
Final Words
Hope this article has proven to be helpful for you and you have gained an idea about several grey beard styles. You can choose any one of the beard styles but it is better to consider some factors before styling your beard. Consider your face shape and the time that your facial hair takes to grow. You can also consult your stylist to select the ideal beard style for you. Other than that, do not forget to clean your beard. You can use beard shampoo and for keeping it in the best shape it is better to use beard oil or beard wax as we have discussed earlier in the article. So, the bottom line is that if you groom the beard properly instead of panicking about the fact that your facial hair is turning grey and discover which style suits you best from the list that we have made for you after thorough research.